Rich Philippines, Poor Japan


What is a Happy Marriage? Series

What is a Happy Marriage? 『Rest well, you must be tired』is wrong!? Foreigners' think

この記事は幸せな結婚生活とは?疲れてるだろうから休んでね♪はダメ!?外国人の考えの英語バージョンです I described in my previous article why many Japanese relationships fall to what they call "Dead Relationship". DISCLAIMER: If you're in a "…

What is a Happy Marriage? Bebe's(Christian) opinion of Japanese relationship rules.

この記事は幸せな結婚生活とは?Bebe(クリスチャン)から見た日本人の恋愛法則の英語バージョンです In the previous article, I talked about a relationship that revolves in no fight, respect and comfortability, yet, why do many Japanese fall apa…

What is a Happy Marriage? Reasons why my ex for 7 years broke-up with me.

この記事は幸せな結婚生活とは?7年間付き合った彼女と別れた理由の英語バージョンです I mentioned about my ex in my previous article, I had an ex-girl friend from 17-24 years old. We started dating when we were high-school students, she worke…

What is a Happy Marriage? Reason why long team relationships break.

この記事は幸せな結婚生活とは?長期間付き合った恋人や夫婦が別れる原因 の英語バージョンです Bebe and I watched a movie『Hope Springs』via Amazon last night. Meryl Streep (wife) and Tommy Lee Jones (husband) are the main actors. The husband i…